Can I make reservations to stay at this RV Park?
No, this is a membership-only park.

How do I make arrangements to see which lots are for sale?
Contact our listing agent, Mark & Kimmie Hanson 360-521-4199, or email them at by clicking here.

What is the cost of a membership?
The price of memberships varies depending on what is on the lot. Some empty lots are less than $30,000 while fully furnished park models with add-on rooms and sheds can be as high as $95,000.

Can I live at Safari full-time?
Yes, about 20% of the members live in the park full time. You must be on the membership to stay in the park more than 30 days.

Can my family and visitors use my lot?
Yes, they can but there are limitations. Family members and guests can only stay in the park for 30 days. Guests can only stay in the park if the member is present. Please consult the bylaws and rules that are available in the "Documents" area of this website.

How is the park governed?
Safari Association is a legal not-for-profit corporation with bylaws. We have a seven member board that serve two year terms. There are three membership meetings per year (Memorial Day weekend, third Saturday in July, and Labor Day weekend). Each membership lot may cast one vote on all matters.

Does the park have bylaws, etc.?
Yes, the bylaws and various rule codes are available in the "Documents" section of the home page of this website.

What kinds of taxes would I be responsible for
You would only be responsible for property taxes on the improvements you have made to your site (sheds, add-ons, etc.). If the RV on your site is permanent and not to be driven, you can either have it taxed as property or pay the annual DMV registration fees. The property tax on the lot itself as well as all common facilities is paid out of the dues you pay.

Can I have guests come and stay when I am not here?
While immediate family members may stay without the member being present, guests cannot stay unless the member of the lot they are using is also present.

What are the restrictions on children
For children 0-5, there is no restriction. For school age children (5-17), they cannot be in the park when school is in session.

Why do I have to pay for cable TV and Internet if I want other services?
The membership voted to buy these services in bulk so that we would get a much lower rate. As a requirement of our bulk contract, all members must participate. Cable TV and Internet are billed to members at cost (no markup). As of 2022 the cost is about $31 per membership (lot) per month.

Can I pour a concrete patio?
No, concrete is only allowed for fence posts.

Can I have a campfire?
Yes, you can unless a county or state burn ban is in effect. Fires must be either in containment vessels (stoves, campfire basins, etc.) or in the ground built on at least six (6) inches of sand. See the Safari Rules in the Documents section of this website for further details.

What are the building restrictions?
Building permits from Pacific County may be required with some types of structures. There is a Safari Site Improvement Permit form that must be submitted for board approval before building can commence. At that time, you will be told if a county permit is required. IF so, you must have that before the final approval can be given for your project. The Safari Site Improvement Rules in the Document section of this website has further details.

Why is it so cheap to live here? Will prices jump up drastically?
Safari is a not-for-profit organization owned by the members. As such, we do not try to charge more that it costs us to run the park. We buy services (electricity, water, etc.) at commercial rates with large volume and we are able to pass those savings onto our members. We do not anticipate prices going up drastically beyond normal cost of living increases. Safari maintains a reserve fund for emergencies and new capital outlay items as well as a capital replacement fund to allow us to replace items that wear out without having to ask the members for additional funds.

Do you ever have special assessment fees?
Safari occasionally has had special assessments. The most recent assessment of $112/year will have its last payment due in October, 2023. We have attempted to set aside adequate funds in our annual operating budget to replace items as they wear out in order to avoid assessments as much as possible.

Is the park in danger of selling or closing up?
No. Safari operates on a basis of budgeting enough revenues to cover expenses each year. The park has no long term liabilities or debt. The park also maintains adequate insurance coverages to protect us from all but the most catastrophic events.

Can we have pets?
Pets shall be leashed and attended by a responsible person at all times. Members must carry something to clean up after pets immediately. No animal shall be allowed to make an unreasonable amount of noise or to become a nuisance, e.g., excessive barking. Pets other than dogs, cats, birds or fish must be approved by the Board of Directors.

Can we have a fence?
Fences and patios must be inside adjoining boundaries and five (5) feet from roads and pathways. All building, including fences, must be submitted on a site improvement permit form and approved by the board.

How long can I stay at one time? Can I live here year round?
Members may stay in the park as long as they desire. Guests and family members not on the membership registration are limited to 30 days and then they must be out of the park for 30 days.

Is there extra parking for guest? is there rentals for them to stay in?
There is no designated parking for guests. You must either have space on your lot for them or have prior permission from a neighbor to park on their lot. Units in the park cannot be rented out.

Is there boat or motorhome parking?
You may park these items on your lot if there is space to maintain the proper clearances. Consult the Safari rules in the Documents section of this website for further details.

Where is the back gate entrance?
There is no back gate access to the park. Our main gate requires a security card/key fob to enter the park and is covered by video surveillance at all times.

Who maintains our place?
You are responsible for the maintenance of your unit and your lot. Grass must be mowed, weeds removed, moss cleaned, rust painted, etc. Those failing to meet these standards are notified and if the problem persists, they can be fined and eventually forfeit their membership.

Will you come hook everything up for us, if we bring in a unit on a bare lot?
No, the delivery, installation, and proper connection of a unit in the park is the responsibility of the owner. Any RV being brought in the park for permanent use must be approved by the board prior to it's entering the park.

How long can guest stay?
Guests can stay up to thirty days provided the member is also present. Then they must remain outside the park for 30 days until they can come back in.

Can my child live here with me?
Children of school age (5-17) may only stay in the park when school is out of session. Younger children are not restricted.

What happens if I have a problem in my unit? who fixes that? who is responsible for that?
The owner is responsible for any problems with their unit or any connections from the power pedestal meter and the water shutoff to their unit.

Will we ever have paved roads?
Probably not. Gravel roads help drain the rainwater from the roads. If these were paved, we would have to provide storm drains to remove road water. Also, the costs to periodically reseal or repave roads is significant and would dramatically raise our annual dues.

How much will dues increase?
Since we are a not-for-profit, we set the dues to cover our costs. Members vote on any change in the dues amount. While we cannot predict what might be needed in the future, we try to insure that dues increases are minimized.

Do we have to go to meetings?
Most of the meetings are now pre-recorded video presentations available on our web site for members only. The board encourages every member to attend the meetings or view them so that you are aware of any items to be voted on. If you are unable to attend the September vote counting meeting, you may mail in your ballot so that it arrives in the office 3 days prior to the meeting. Contact the office for further details.